Sun Drops
Yoga Girls

Sun Drops

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Sun Drops

Have you ever laid on a Forest Floor and looked up at the sun drops dripping through the canopy of tree limbs? My early childhood memories include lying on a picnic blanket with my family in our back yard, looking up at tall Georgia Pines, watching the pine seeds twirl all the way down. More recently I have stared up at Live Oaks of North Florida. When this background emerged, the colors and shapes reminded me of this tremendous feeling of warmth and belonging, captured in in Sun Drops.

Sun Drops began with a mix of raw pigments, poured and swirled onto the canvas. when thoroughly dry (after 24 hours), the silhouetted figured was created, using John Rawlings' 1960's figure photography as reference. That peaceful, sun dripped space, embraced by Mother Earth, is what this painting is about.

An original acrylic and oil painting, natural (and non-toxic) pigment, matte mediums on 5x7 canvas board.

To purchase, add to cart and proceed with free shipping. Your art will arrive carefully package and beautifully wrapped, with a special message and an "about the artist" certificate of authenticity. 

Most importantly, thank you for appreciating my work. Creating this art is an ongoing answer to a calling I have felt since even before my earliest memories. Sending my art to collectors all over the world is my deepest heart-felt honor and joy.

xo ~ Honey