Yoga Girls


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Have you ever felt the release and energy that can come from just the right stretch? This pose has been a favorite for me even before I learned it was a "yoga pose". Created from a paint-poured background, Tangerine began from poured, swirling pigments. When fully dry, the swirly background urged me to paint this silhouetted figure from referencing a favorite book of mine, a 1960's book of photography by John Rawlings. I love the energetic swirly, tangerine, yellow and turquoises in this piece juxtaposed with the bright white, transparent figure.

An original acrylic and oil painting, natural (and non-toxic) pigment, matte mediums on 5x7 canvas board.

To purchase, add to cart and proceed with free shipping. Your art will arrive carefully package and beautifully wrapped, with a special message and an "about the artist" certificate of authenticity. 

Most importantly, thank you for appreciating my work. Creating this art is an ongoing answer to a calling I have felt since even before my earliest memories. Sending my art to collectors all over the world is my deepest heart-felt honor and joy.

xo ~ Honey